Holly Cairns TD

Social Democrats leader Holly Cairns has expressed frustration at the Minister for Children’s refusal to commit to a physical survey and possible excavation of the Bessborough mother and baby home grounds in Cork.

“This is the possible burial place of hundreds of unaccounted for children who died at this notorious institution, which operated as a mother and baby home from 1922 until 1998.

“Of the more than 900 children who died while in the care of the nuns at Bessborough, over 800 are thought to be buried within its grounds. In fact, the Commission of Investigation into Mother and Baby Homes found it very likely that remains of infants are buried on the site.

“Following An Bord Pleanála’s recent refusal of a highly inappropriate planning application for apartments on this site, I today asked the Minister if the Government would now fund a physical survey of the Bessborough estate.

“This is crucial if we are to establish, once and for all, where these children are buried.

“However, I am disappointed at the response from the Minister, who referred to the significant cost of a survey due to the scale of the site. The scale of abuse and death in Bessborough was horrific, and it was facilitated by the State.

“The idea that cost would be a barrier to providing answers and justice to the women and children of Bessborough is appalling, especially when we know that so many of those who were forced to stay there will not receive a cent from the Minister’s discriminatory redress scheme.

“How can this Government justify finally giving the families of those buried in Tuam answers but not the families of the infants and children in Bessborough – and all of the other known mass unmarked graves on the grounds of other mother and baby homes around the country?

“Survivors of Bessborough have never received justice – not from the religious orders who abused them and not from the State who turned a blind eye to their incarceration.

“The very least the Government owes the survivors is to find the bodies of their children.

“We need a full investigation of the grounds to establish the location of the remains of these babies, followed by sensitive excavation work and the dignified exhumation of any remains found.

“The entire Bessborough estate should also be subject to a compulsory purchase order by the State and established as a memorial to those who suffered there.”

October 2, 2024

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