The Minister for Health must immediately clarify if and when he became aware of a confidential report, which raises serious questions about the HSE’s readiness to commission and operate the National Children’s Hospital, according to Social Democrats health spokesperson Róisín Shortall.

“While the Minister has been extremely keen to foist all the blame on developer BAM for the chaos and uncertainty surrounding ongoing delays to the project, a report prepared by consultants KPMG suggests that the HSE hasn’t got its own house in order in terms of its preparedness for the opening of the hospital.

“The report highlights gaps in senior leadership teams, a lack of clarity around the future operating model and resourcing of the hospital, as well as a drift in completion dates.

“Of particular concern is the absence of a permanent CEO for the new hospital, while staff at the three existing children’s hospitals are understandably having to prioritise day-to-day patient care over commissioning activity for the new facility.

“As this report dates back to April of this year, the Minister must urgently clarify when he first had sight of it and outline if any measures have been taken since to address the serious shortcomings identified.

“This report is another shameful chapter in the National Children’s Hospital saga and represents a parallel controversy for the Government that could lead to further delays and cost overruns for this shambolic project.”

September 24, 2024

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