Cian O'Callaghan TD

The latest report from the ESRI has highlighted that the Government’s targets are not nearly ambitious enough to tackle to housing crisis, according to Social Democrats TD Cian O’Callaghan.

Deputy O’Callaghan, who is the party’s housing spokesperson, said:

“The report states that Ireland will need to build between 35,000 and 53,000 homes a year just to keep up with population growth.

“Crucially, this does not include the massive pent-up demand which the Housing Commission recently estimated could be as high as 256,000 homes.

“While this Government has been busy patting themselves on the back for meeting last year’s inadequate target, the pent-up demand has been growing and the housing crisis has been getting worse.

“We’ve now had two major pieces of research from the Housing Commission and the ESRI, both clearly stating that the housing targets urgently need to be increased.

“The Government should be well aware that their targets are inadequate. As they approach the end of their term, house prices, rents and homelessness are all skyrocketing.

“The dogs on the street could tell you that the Government’s housing plan is failing.

“I’m calling on the Taoiseach to publish revised targets before the summer recess. We have the data, we know the demand, so there is no good reason to wait until October.”

July 2, 2024

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