Attempts by Minister of State Emer Higgins to delay the implementation of a transport plan for the capital have been described as highly inappropriate by Cllr Cat O’Driscoll, the Social Democrats group leader on Dublin City Council.

Cllr O’Driscoll was speaking ahead of this evening’s monthly meeting of Dublin City Council where the Minister’s request for the plan to be paused will be discussed.

She said:

“This intervention by the new Minister of State with Responsibility for Business, Employment and Retail is most unwelcome. Just weeks after taking up office, Minister Higgins has gone on a solo run and is attempting to undo all the hard work of democratically elected Dublin city councillors.

“Significantly, her calls for Dublin’s transport plan to be postponed until at least 2025 put her firmly at odds with Transport and Environment Minister Eamon Ryan, who is in favour of the new traffic measures going ahead as planned in August.

“There has been much discussion about these changes, which will include restrictions on cars travelling down the quays and the introduction of bus gates. It is disappointing to see Minister Higgins attempt to throw a spanner in the works so close to the plan’s introduction.

“This plan is attempting to move through traffic out of the city centre, making it more accessible for anyone travelling into town by bus, Luas or private vehicle. Reduced traffic will improve air quality and shorten travel time in Dublin, making it a more attractive city to work, live and do business in.

“Instead of trying to scupper the transport plan, it would be more appropriate for the Minister to sit down with councillors and learn about the damage that traffic congestion is doing to our city from an environmental, health and business perspective.

“If Minister Higgins wants to help shape a more vibrant city, then she must support our elected councillors and the goals set out in the Dublin City Development Plan.”

July 1, 2024

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