Childcare workers deserve decent pay and fair working conditions

Speaking in a Dáil debate on childcare workers today, Social Democrats co-leader Róisín Shortall TD called for professional pay scales to end precarity for those who look after our children. Deputy Shortall said: “We have always known the first five years are the most important in a person’s life. It is the time when the […]

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Delays in allocating Special Needs Assistants amounts to shameful treatment of state employees and parents

Government delays in allocating Special Needs Assistants amount to shameful treatment of State employees and parents alike, Social Democrats co-leader Róisín Shortall TD said today. Deputy Shortall made her remarks after the Taoiseach announced that the cabinet had today approved the allocation of additional Special Needs Assistants for September. Deputy Shortall said: “The Taoiseach said […]

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Social Democrats welcome action on motor insurance companies

The Social Democrats have welcomed action by competition authorities into alleged price fixing in the motor insurance industry. The party’s Dublin Mid-West local area representative Anne Marie was speaking following reports that competition enforcement officials today carried out office raids as part of a probe into possible cartel activity in the insurance industry. Ms McNally […]

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Opinion: Maternity leave should be a universal right regardless of whether you are elected or unelected

AN AUSTRALIAN POLITICIAN made global news recently for breastfeeding her child while speaking in parliament. It’s worth taking a minute to look behind the vaguely titillating headlines. Australian Greens politician Larissa Waters was categorically not the first female politician to feed a child in her place of work. What’s unusual about the situation was not […]

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Government rebuked for its appalling record in preventing corruption

The Social Democrats have said the government’s appalling record on tackling corruption has led to it being rebuked today by the Council of Europe’s anti-corruption body, GRECO. The party co-leader Róisín Shortall TD was commenting on a GRECO report which found that Ireland’s level of compliance with its recommendations were “globally unsatisfactory”. The anti-corruption body […]

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Government’s School Admissions Bill will not end religious discrimination

The government’s school admissions bill completely fails to deal with the problem of children being denied access to their local primary school due to their religion, according to the Social Democrats. The party has tabled amendments to remove the schools ‘baptism barrier’ – a discriminatory practice which the government’s Education (Admission to Schools) Bill 2016 […]

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Minister for Housing must publish fire safety report

The Minister for Housing is sitting on a major fire safety review completed over a year ago while today announcing a separate review in the wake of the Grenfell Tower blaze, the Social Democrats said today. Dublin Bay North Councillor Cian O’Callaghan said: “Mr Murphy is saying that the Grenfell Tower fire is going to […]

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