Chronic underspending in our economic future laid bare

The government’s chronic underspending in areas that are fundamental to Ireland’s long-term economic growth shows that it is allergic to the concept of investing now to save later, the Social Democrats co-leader Róisín Shortall TD said today. Deputy Shortall made her comments as new figures from the NERI think tank show that Ireland is underspending […]

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Judicial appointments bill brings improvements – but more needed to promote diversity in legal profession

The Judicial Appointments Commission Bill is a step towards more transparency and accountability in the appointment of judges – but more needs to be done to ensure diversity in the wider legal profession, the Social Democrats said today. The party’s co-leaders, Róisín Shortall TD and Catherine Murphy TD, said diversity in the judiciary will only […]

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Litany of failure in housing strategy as only 33 vacant dwellings acquired by Fingal County Council in 2017

According to new figures obtained by the Social Democrats, Fingal County Council has acquired only 33 vacant dwellings in the first five months of the year. Commenting on the figures, Social Democrats representative for Castleknock and Blanchardstown, Aengus Ó Maoláin said: “Astonishingly, this paltry number actually puts Fingal ahead of every other local authority in […]

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Limerick’s status as an unemployment black spot down to failed government policies

Limerick’s status as a national unemployment black spot is an indictment of the failed social and economic policies of the current government and senior Ministers, the Social Democrat’s Limerick representative Sarah Jane Hennelly said today. Ms Hennelly was commenting on Census figures published this week which show that eight of the top ten ‘unemployment black spots’ […]

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