Welcoming An Bord Pleanála’s decision to refuse planning permission for an apartment scheme at the former Bessborough mother and baby home in Cork, Social Democrats leader Holly Cairns has repeated her call for a sensitive excavation of the grounds of the estate, which is widely believed to be a children’s burial ground.

“The latest refusal of planning permission for apartments on this site is a humane decision and marks a deserved victory for survivors of this notorious institution.

“Of the more than 900 children who died while in the care of the nuns at Bessborough, over 800 are believed to be buried within its grounds. In fact, the Commission of Investigation into Mother and Baby Homes found it very likely that the remains of infants are buried on the site.

“Significantly, in its latest ruling, An Bord Pleanála said it considers that the potential exists for the presence of human remains and/or burials at Bessborough, which was used as a mother and baby home between 1922 and 1998.

“I sincerely hope that this welcome decision finally closes the door on future insensitive planning applications for this site.

“I am now calling on the Government to sanction a full investigation of the Bessborough grounds to conclusively establish the location of hundreds of babies’ remains. This should involve sensitive excavation work followed by the dignified exhumation of any remains found.

“Similar work is expected to commence at the Tuam mother and baby home site early next year and there is no reason why survivors of Bessborough should not be afforded the same opportunity in their quest for the truth.”

September 19, 2024

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