Roisin Shortall TD

An analysis of Budget 2025 by the Economic and Social Research Institute (ESRI) provides further evidence that the Government have prioritised electoral gain over lifting vulnerable groups out of poverty, according to Social Democrats finance spokesperson Róisín Shortall.

“Despite the headline grabbing short-term measures announced on Tuesday, the ESRI has warned that poverty among the elderly, disabled people and children is likely to rise as a result of this budget.

“The institute has rightly described Budget 2025 as a missed opportunity to lift thousands of children out of poverty in Ireland.

“The ESRI criticism follows on from a separate scathing critique from the IFAC earlier this week.

“The reality is that the Government has preferred short-termism and electioneering over sound fiscal policy and equality.

“According to the Irish Times today, even Paschal Donohoe warned, in advance of the budget, that measures were reminiscent of boom-era decisions.

“On this occasion, I agree with the Minister. This was a quintessential Bertie budget, spraying money around indiscriminately in the hope of buying people’s votes with their own money.

“Clearly, all of the lessons of the crash, including the need to target supports where they are needed and bolster our essential public services, have been lost by a feckless Government motivated by self-interest rather than the public interest.”

October 4, 2024

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