Reports of a taskforce proposal to relocate RTÉ to the GPO on O’Connell Street prove that the Government is not serious about the rejuvenation of Dublin city centre, according to Social Democrats TD Gary Gannon.

Deputy Gannon, who is a TD for Dublin Central, said:

“As soon as he became Taoiseach, Simon Harris vowed to make the decline of our capital a priority when he set up the Dublin City Centre Taskforce – something I had repeatedly been calling for – with a report promised within 12 weeks.

“Now, 26 weeks later – and five weeks after it was first sent to the Taoiseach – the taskforce has put forward a number of recommendations, including a harebrained proposal to relocate RTÉ’s studios to the GPO.

“Anyone who walks down O’Connell Street every day, like I do, doesn’t need to be reminded of the need for proper investment – but this sort of pie in the sky stuff won’t make the area any safer or more attractive to visit or do business in.

“Dublin needs a range of urgent measures to tackle creeping dereliction, heavily littered streets and poor lighting, as well as a static policing presence that is not dependent on garda overtime. Initiatives should also be considered to develop residential accommodation on O’Connell Street to encourage people to live in the area, which would help create a new sense of community.

“While I remain open to any sensible proposals that may be put forward by the taskforce, moving RTÉ’s operation from Donnybrook to the historic GPO building is not something that has a realistic chance of ever happening.

“This fanciful proposal cannot distract from the fact that not a single cent was allocated in the recent budget to the revitalisation of our beautiful city.

“Without ringfenced funding, the taskforce’s work will be futile and their proposals will join the endless pile of reports carried out on O’Connell Street but never implemented.”

October 15, 2024

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