‘Cocooners’ are not just over 70’s – Jennifer Whitmore TD

The Social Democrats Spokesperson on Children, Jennifer Whitmore TD, has reminded people to be aware that the updated advisory for those cocooning  is not just confined to over 70’s. Whitmore highlighted the fact that the phrase ‘cocooning’ also applies to medically vulnerable people and in many cases this includes children. She said she wanted to highlight […]

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Answers needed on why some test centres closed over weekend

Following the closure of some testing centres over the weekend, Róisín Shortall, TD and co-leader of the Social Democrats, has called on Government to provide an explanation. She said, “The public deserves clear answers about the reason we are not operating at full testing capacity. The national strategy to combat Covid-19 is test and trace, […]

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Removal of the Department for Children would be a regressive step

Social Democrats Spokesperson for Children, Wicklow TD Jennifer Whitmore, called for the retention and enhancement of the Department of Children and Youth Affairs, following media reports of a proposal to disband the department. Deputy Whitmore said “it would be a hugely regressive step for children and young people across the country if it were confirmed […]

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Transparency needed on test and trace strategy

A transparent test and trace strategy is crucial to Ireland’s fight against Covid-19, according to Róisín Shortall TD and co-leader of the Social Democrats. During today’s Dáil sitting, she criticised the Government’s delays in reaching the testing target of 100,000 per week and its failure to adequately explain the reasons for the delays in the […]

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Mortgage break should be extended from three months to six

Social Democrats T.D. for Dublin Bay North, Deputy Cian O’Callaghan, has called on the Minister for Finance to work with the Central Bank of Ireland and the commercial banks to extend the mortgage break from three months to six. Deputy Cian O’Callaghan said: “The three-month mortgage break offered to those affected by COVID-19 must be […]

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Exit strategy needs expert-led Task Force

Following the Taoiseach’s announcement yesterday that restrictions may be eased in stages every two to three weeks, Róisín Shortall, TD and co-leader of the Social Democrats, has repeated calls for an expert-led Task Force to plan a coordinated, cross-sector exit strategy. She said, “While public health authorities will of course have the principal input, other […]

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Economic Response to Covid crisis cannot replicate the mistakes of the last recession

Economic Response to Covid crisis cannot replicate the mistakes of the last recession Social Democrats co-leader Roísín Shortall said that today’s economic update from Finance Minister Paschal Donohoe did little more than set out possible scenarios but failed to provide any real detail regarding the Government’s response to the economic fallout of the Covid crisis. […]

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Government needs to ensure urgent redeployment of HSE staff

The failure to quickly and efficiently redeploy HSE staff to nursing homes is leaving our most vulnerable citizens more susceptible to Covid-19. In light of the prevalence of Covid-19 in nursing homes and the high numbers of deaths, this must become the number one priority for Government, according to Róisín Shortall, TD and co-leader of […]

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More must be done to protect the Palestinian people from COVID-19

Social Democrats T.D. for Dublin Bay North, Deputy Cian O’Callaghan, has called on the Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade to do more for the people of Palestine who are at grave risk due to COVID 19: “The Irish people have a long history of standing in solidarity with the people of Palestine – now […]

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