Dwindling supply of rental properties highlights the need for eviction ban extension

Report paints a particularly bleak picture for households reliant on the Housing Assistance Payment  The latest ‘Locked Out of the Market’ report from the Simon Communities of Ireland further highlights why the Government needs to extend the eviction ban, according to Social Democrats TD Cian O’Callaghan. Deputy O’Callaghan, who is the party’s Housing spokesperson, said: […]

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Report’s findings a complete vindication of Women of Honour

Recommendations must now be implemented without delay The pattern of shameful behaviour identified in the report of the Independent Review Group on Dignity and Equality Issues in the Defence Forces must never be allowed happen again, according to Social Democrats TD Gary Gannon. Deputy Gannon, who is the party’s spokesperson on Defence, said: “Today’s report […]

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O’Callaghan to introduce Bill aimed at ending mass evictions

Nobody who pays their rent on time should live in constant fear of homelessness Social Democrats TD Cian O’Callaghan will today introduce his Tenancy Protection Bill 2023, which aims to put a stop to mass evictions. Deputy O’Callaghan, who is the party’s Housing spokesperson, said: “My Tenancy Protection Bill 2023 is about protecting people from […]

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Minister must address chronic staff shortages at An Bord Pleanála

Under-resourcing of planning appeals board is hampering the delivery of new homes Ireland’s planning system must be properly resourced to speed up the delivery of badly needed homes, according to Social Democrats TD Cian O’Callaghan. Deputy O’Callaghan, who is the party’s Housing spokesperson, said: “In the midst of our worst-ever housing crisis, it is difficult […]

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Government Failing Miserably To Reach Retrofit Targets

The government must stop misrepresenting figures and patting itself on the back for failure The Government is failing miserably to achieve its own retrofitting targets, according to Social Democrats Climate Spokesperson Jennifer Whitmore. Deputy Whitmore was speaking after the SEAI published its Home Energy Upgrades 2022 annual report. “The SEAI published its 2022 report today […]

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Despicable practice of gazumping must be outlawed

Record house prices, and a chronically poor supply of homes, are the perfect breeding conditions for gazumping to thrive New legislation is required to outlaw the practice of gazumping, according to Social Democrats Housing Spokesperson Cian O’Callaghan. “Today, there are media reports of a vendor backing out of agreements with seven home buyers, who were […]

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Government Must Begin Crackdown On Short-Term Letting Sector Now

We cannot have a situation in which children are growing up in hotels and tourists are holidaying in homes The Government must begin a crackdown on the short-term letting sector now – it can’t wait for another year for a new registration system to be agreed by the EU, according to Social Democrats Housing Spokesperson […]

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Electric Vehicle Grant Scheme For Rural Ireland Required

People in rural areas are more reliant on their cars and make longer journeys A new grant scheme to help motorists in rural Ireland buy electric vehicles should be rolled out, according to Social Democrats Climate Spokesperson Jennifer Whitmore. “There is currently a grant of up to €5,000 available for those who purchase an electric […]

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ESB Windfall Profits Must Be Ring-Fenced For Those In Energy Poverty

This is an obscene amount of profit for the ESB when so many of its customers are living in penury. The government must ring-fence windfall profits in ESB to support the hundreds and thousands of people now living in energy poverty, according to Social Democrats Energy Spokesperson Jennifer Whitmore. Deputy Whitmore said: “I attended a […]

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