Staggering Government Hypocrisy on Disability

Social Democrats Co-Leader Róisín Shortall has reacted angrily to news today that Government have signed-off on a 1% across the board cut to key disability groups and services. She said the impacted organisations had been informed about the cut to their already overstretched budgets at the same time the government were clapping themselves on the […]

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Drug crime a ‘scourge’ in communities across Ireland

Social Democrats Co-leader Róisin Shortall has described the second discovery of body parts in North Dublin this week as extremely worrying and said it was an exceptionally barbaric turn of events in what is already an extremely dangerous and violent culture around crime and in particular drug crime, across Ireland. She said that politicians across […]

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Local community needs more investment in wake of recent violent deaths

Residents on Dublin’s Northside woke this morning to hear shocking and disturbing details of a persons remains being found in a bag.  News reports indicate that the death is suspected to be connected to violent crime. Unfortunately this news of death and crime is not an isolated incident. Local Social Democrats Councillor Cian O’Callaghan commented: […]

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Social Democrats stand with school secretaries

The Social Democrats have come out in strong support of school secretaries represented by Fórsa, who will go on strike tomorrow following unsatisfactory negotiations with the Workplace Relations Commission. The current two-tier pay system leaves many school secretaries on unregulated, short-term contracts earning just €12,500 a year, a far cry from their counterparts in ETB […]

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Call for Minister for Justice to show urgency on Scramblers and Quad Bikes

Social Democrat co-leader Roisin Shortall TD has accused the Minister for Justice of dragging his heels in the wake of several serious incidents involving scramblers and quad bikes over the Christmas period. These incidents were entirely predictable and will continue unless we see urgent action from the Minister. Deputy Shortall said: “This is a serious […]

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Social Democrats call for state-backed national childcare service

In response to the Government’s announcement yesterday of a €1500 average grant to childcare providers, Róisín Shortall TD and co-leader of the Social Democrats has criticised the decision as a stop-gap measure and no substitute for adequately resourcing childcare. Ms Shortall said, “The Government’s tactic of keeping childcare at an arm’s length means most providers […]

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