Lack of joined up thinking on water fountains does not augur well for challenges of climate change

Responding to the revelation that City and County Council newly installed public water fountains will now be classed as ‘commercial’ and that councils will now have to pay business charges to Irish Water, Cllr. Jennifer Whitmore, chair of Wicklow County Council’s Climate and Biodiversity Action Strategic Policy Committee, said: “We will not make any impact […]

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UK Election highlights risks to progressive democratic politics and carries lessons for Ireland

Responding to the large Conservative win in yesterday’s UK Elections, Róisín Shortall TD, co-leader of the Social Democrats, highlighted the risks for Ireland in not tackling underlying inequality in society and not safeguarding democracy. Róisín Shortall TD said: “The election of a very right-wing Conservative government in the UK heralds a very uncertain future for […]

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Shameful that as a Republic we’re waiting for Vatican approval before we can proceed with new National Maternity Hospital

Róisín Shortall TD, Social Democrats co-leader, today called on the Government to come clean on the position between the Vatican and the State on the New National Maternity hospital, and to halt further spending until ownership is resolved. “Despite commitments given by Minister Harris in the Dáil a year ago, we’re still waiting to see […]

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SocDems call for a Dáil vote before the signing of the NBP contract

Catherine Murphy TD, co-leader of the Social Democrats, today called on the Government not to proceed with the proposed signing of the contract for the National Broadband Plan. She said “the National Broadband Plan carries an unprecedented risk for the State where the government will hand over a huge amount of public funding, following a […]

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By-elections an opportunity for voters to call out government on their failures

“These by-elections are an important opportunity for voters to demonstrate to Fine Gael and Fianna Fail who support them in government that their terrible failures are no longer acceptable.” Co-leaders of the Social Democrats, Róisín Shortall TD and Catherine Murphy TD, welcomed the opportunity provided by the by-elections to hold the Government to account. “These […]

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