Glaring omission of investment in public transport in Climate Action Plan

“But without a drastic revision of the National Development Plan with the paramount objective of a just climate transition, we are consigning ourselves and future generations to vast expenditure in fines and on mitigating measures to just to stand still, while our climate continues to deteriorate.” The Social Democrats co-leader, Catherine Murphy TD, speaking on […]

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SocDems Councillors secure strong actions in Dublin city plan

Social Democrats’ Dublin City Councillors have secured strong commitments in the council’s new work plan for the capital, which includes ambitious actions on climate change, housing, waste, culture, disabilities, public transport and accessibility. “This is a roadmap for a fairer and more sustainable capital city that puts the public interest at the heart of the […]

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Wake up call for Fine Gael for urgent action on public spending

The Social Democrats welcome the passing in the Dáil today of its motion calling on the government to get to grips with the public finances and deliver meaningful action on public spending and investment. “The government needs to do as this Dáil motion says and provide full details about exactly which projects earmarked under the […]

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Dáil motion seeks meaningful action on climate change

“The Dáil has declared a climate and biodiversity emergency on foot of the recent Oireachtas report on Climate Change. The government urgently needs to translate this unanimous political resolve into concrete and meaningful actions.” The Social Democrats today introduce a Dáil motion calling on the government to revise public spending commitments to deliver meaningful actions […]

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SocDems Councillors ensure strong actions in Dublin City Council’s workplan

Newly elected Social Democrats councillors on Dublin City Council have welcomed the new five-year work plan agreed for the council, which includes strong actions put forward by the party on disabilities, climate change, public transport and family and youth homelessness.   “The plan agreed by all councillors incorporates some of the key commitments the Social […]

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RTÉ Investigates revelations regarding the ESB are “horrifying”

Social Democrats Co-Leader Catherine Murphy has described as “horrifying” the revelations in tonight’s RTÉ Investigates documentary regarding aspects of health and safety within the ESB and the environmental damage, caused by underground leaks, which has been largely ignored by the ESB over a number of years. The ESB now has serious questions to answer regarding […]

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Join the Stand Up to Trump protest – US president not welcome in Ireland

The Social Democrats today called on the public to turn out in force to demonstrate against US President Donald Trump’s regressive and demeaning politics. “This is an opportunity to signal clearly to the Government and the rest of the world that we strongly oppose Trump’s type of regressive and demeaning politics.” The Social Democrats today […]

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Alternatives to schools as polling stations would ease burden on families

Social Democrats local election candidate for Rathfarnham-Templeogue, Carly Bailey, has called on the Government to consider using alternative accessible venues to schools as polling stations. “As a parent of primary school children myself, I know it can be incredibly hard for families to make alternative arrangements for school closures and it often means having to […]

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