Climate Action Plan Lacks Financial Firepower

Most of the heavy lifting has been left to the public and the private sector The government’s Climate Action Plan is ambitious – as it should be – but lacks the financial firepower that would make it a success, according to Social Democrats Climate Spokesperson Jennifer Whitmore. “I hope the government’s plan to address climate […]

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Oscar Traynor Road Plan Unaffordable and Poor Value

It is now time for council management and Housing Minister Darragh O’Brien to show some vision The proposed developer-led plan to deliver housing on public lands at Oscar Traynor Road is unaffordable and poor value for taxpayers, according to Social Democrats Councillor Patricia Roe. “Choosing to deliver this scheme through a private developer will result […]

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‘Housing For All’ A Meaningless Slogan As Homelessness Rises

Budget 2022 cut funding for homeless services by €24 million Housing for All is nothing more than a meaningless slogan given homelessness has risen for the fifth month in a row, according to Social Democrats Housing Spokesperson Cian O’Callaghan T.D “The latest homelessness figures, published by the Department of Housing today, show the number of […]

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Government Reopening Plan Chaotic and Incoherent

The government response can be summarised as chaotic and incoherent. The reopening plan announced today betrays an abject lack of planning and foresight by the government, according to Social Democrats Health Spokesperson Róisín Shortall. “With just three days left to go before many businesses reopen, for the first time in 19 months, the rules are being […]

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Social Democrats Launch Bill to Create Land Price Register

This Bill would create transparency around land prices and developers’ margins Social Democrats Housing Spokesperson Cian O’Callaghan has launched a Bill that would create a Land Price Register for the first time. Speaking in advance of introducing his Bill in the Dáil today, Deputy O’Callaghan said: “If the Government is serious about tackling land hoarding, […]

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Education Minister Gaslighting Principals and Teachers

How can the Minister solve a problem that she doesn’t accept exists? A crisis in subbing means children with additional education needs are missing out on teaching hours with their special education teachers, according to Social Democrats TD Gary Gannon. “Since schools returned in September, I have been repeatedly contacted about the huge problem principals […]

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Government Pouring Petrol On Red-Hot Property Market

House price increases are now almost three times higher than the rate of inflation House price inflation is out of control because the government is pouring petrol on the fire of an already red-hot property market, according to Social Democrats Housing Spokesperson Cian O’Callaghan. “The Residential Property Price Index published by the CSO today shows […]

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Zoned Land Tax Too Little, Too Late

Why are the interests of big developers always put ahead of those who need an affordable home? The new Zoned Land Tax exposes the Government’s lack of urgency when it comes to delivering housing, according to Social Democrats Housing Spokesperson Cian O’Callaghan. “The two-year delay in introducing the Zoned Land Tax shows a complete lack […]

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Keegan’s Condescending Comments To Students Must Be Addressed by DCC

To see the crisis go unaddressed for a decade, while the Taoiseach flippantly states the issue cannot be addressed overnight, is deplorable Social Democrats Councillors on Dublin City Council have called for a special meeting of the local authority to be convened to address dismissive and condescending comments, made by Chief Executive Owen Keegan to […]

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