Today Marks A New Dawn In Our Fight Against Covid

We are a resilient people, but this pandemic has tested us like never before Today marks a new dawn in our fight against covid, according to Social Democrats co-leader Róisín Shortall. “Today marks a new dawn in our fight against covid as we make preparations for what will hopefully be the final unravelling of the […]

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Government Must Resist Lobbying For Data Centres

The suggestion, that it can be business as usual for data centres, is as deluded as it is arrogant The government must resist lobbying by tech giants for data centres and instead publish a strategic analysis of their impact on our climate action goals and energy security, according to Social Democrats Climate Spokesperson Jennifer Whitmore. […]

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Diverse Range of Expert Guests To Join Social Democrats’ Summer School

The Summer School provides a timely opportunity to discuss the challenges we collectively face and the solutions we can offer A diverse range of expert and interesting guests, discussing some of the biggest challenges we face as a society, will join the Social Democrats’ Summer School this weekend. On the programme, organised by The Left […]

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C&AG To Audit National Maternity Hospital Spending

It is extraordinary that €51m has already been spent on this project – before any final decision that it will proceed at the Elm Park site Spending on the new National Maternity Hospital will be examined as part of an audit by the Comptroller and Auditor General (C&AG), according to Social Democrats co-leader Róisín Shortall. […]

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#LeadingTheWay – the SocDems Summer School

We’d like you to join us and some excellent guests at the SocDems Summer School, presented by The Left Bank, which runs online from Friday 27th and Saturday 28th August as we discuss what kind of Ireland we want coming out of the pandemic. It’s online and free – and we’d be delighted if you would […]

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Tents A Sign of Failure To Tackle Housing And Homelessness Crises

Purging tents may disappear homeless people from the streets, but it does nothing to address the underlying problem The proliferation of tents in Dublin is not a sign of the city’s “edginess”, but a sign of the government’s failure to tackle our housing and homelessness crises, according to Social Democrats Housing Spokesperson Cian O’Callaghan. “Speaking […]

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Housing Minister Failing Coastal Communities Impacted By Coastal Erosion

The Minister claims to be concerned by climate change, and coastal erosion, but actions speak louder than words Housing Minister Darragh O’Brien is failing coastal communities impacted by coastal erosion, according to Social Democrats Cllr. Paul Mulville. “In September 2020, Housing Minister Darragh O’Brien announced the creation of the National Coastal Change Management Strategy Steering […]

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Cartel On Development Land Must Be Broken To Tackle House Prices

Dublin is now the most expensive city in Europe in which to build Breaking the cartel on development land is the key to tackling sky-rocketing house prices, according to Social Democrats Housing Spokesperson Cian O’Callaghan. “According to the CSO, house prices rose by 6.9pc in June – the fastest level of growth in two and […]

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NMH Example On Lifting Restrictions Must Be Followed Nationwide

It is unacceptable that a postcode lottery still exists around the country The relaxation of restrictions for partners of pregnant women at the National Maternity Hospital (NMH) is a positive step that should be followed by other hospitals nationwide, according to Social Democrats TD Holly Cairns. “The NMH has said it will allow unrestricted visiting […]

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