Housing measures are too weak and won’t work

The Government is happy to condemn those, who live in urban centres, to a lifetime of rent The proposals brought to cabinet to deal with cuckoo funds bulk-buying homes are weak and will prove ineffective. The proposed planning rules won’t take effect for a number of years while the stamp duty changes do not go […]

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Postcode lottery for breastfeeding supports must end

The world’s first milk bank was set up in Austria in 1909 – we are 112 years behind on this A motion calling for a variety of supports for breastfeeding mothers has been introduced in the Dáil, by Social Democrats Children Spokesperson Jennifer Whitmore. “Tomorrow, May 19, is world human milk donation day – a […]

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Cyberattack on the HSE is a harbinger of things to come

Communications Minister missing in action as the State comes under attack The cyberattack on the HSE is a harbinger of things to come as threats to national security and our critical infrastructure move online, according to Social Democrats TD, and Defence Spokesperson, Gary Gannon. “When this attack was first detected, Micheál Martin stated the government […]

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The work is not yet done for LGBTI+ equality

Six years ago, this month, the people of Ireland gave a mandate to deliver equality for LGBTI people. That work is not yet done. Ireland remains ranked at 15th this year in the annual ILGA-Europe Rainbow Map published today, which assesses the legal and policy situation for LGBTI+ people in all countries in Europe. The Map […]

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Legislation introduced make basking sharks a protected species

Basking sharks are one of our most treasured species, but unfortunately Irish governments have never protected them Social Democrats TD, and Spokesperson for the Environment, Jennifer Whitmore has today introduced a Bill to the Dáil to make basking sharks a protected species. Deputy Whitmore said: “Basking sharks are the world’s second largest fish and they are regular visitors to […]

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Sláintecare implementation plan lacks detailed timeline and budget

The government has apparently pledged €3.69 billon to implement this plan, but that figure is not mentioned anywhere in the report The government’s Sláintecare implementation plan contains a number of positive commitments – but fails to provide a detailed timeline or breakdown of the budget, according to Social Democrats co-leader Róisin Shortall. “It is four […]

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Continued restrictions at maternity hospitals are misogynistic and cruel

Having a baby should be a joyful experience and instead it is being turned into something distressing and stressful by these intransigent rules It’s hard to avoid the conclusion that continued restrictions on partners at maternity hospitals are anything other than misogynistic and cruel, according to Social Democrats TD Holly Cairns. Deputy Cairns said: “It […]

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Concerns mounting on two fronts over National Maternity Hospital

Reports that the Minister for Health tried to exempt the National Maternity Hospital from spending rules for large capital projects are deeply alarming, according to Social Democrats co-leader Róisín Shortall. “Concerns over the National Maternity Hospital are now mounting on two fronts: 1) the ownership and ethos of the new hospital, and 2) the Minister’s […]

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Gaeltacht communities must not be abandoned

Gaeltacht communities must be supported until students can safely return to summer colleges, according to Social Democrats TD Gary Gannon. “Is cúis díomá go bhfuil fógartha inniu nach mbeadh daltaí ag teacht chun na Gaeltachta don dara uair as a chéile, toisc an Choróinvíris. Cé go dtuigeann muid na cúiseanna taobh thiar den gcinneadh seo, […]

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