Minister for Environment refuses Whitmore’s Dáil question on CETA

Social Democrats TD Jennifer Whitmore has accused the Minister for the Environment of an abdication of his responsibilities after he refused to take a Dáil question from her on the implications of CETA on environmental legislation. Deputy Whitmore, who is the party’s spokesperson for Climate Action and Biodiversity, had submitted a priority question to Minister […]

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Davy resignations a “starting point” but unanswered questions remain

Róisín Shortall TD, co-leader of the Social Democrats, has welcomed the resignation of the three senior executives from Davy today, describing it as a “starting point”. However, she has pointed out that a number of unanswered questions remain. Commenting, Deputy Shortall said: “The resignations of three senior executives from Davy today are welcome as a starting […]

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Minister “in denial” on shared equity scheme

The Social Democrats have accused Minister for Housing Darragh O’Brien of being “in denial” on the impact the Government’s shared equity scheme could have on the cost of housing. Social Democrats Spokesperson on Housing, Cian O’Callaghan TD says the Minister needs to face up to facts. “When criticisms on the Government’s proposed shared equity scheme are coming […]

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Social Democrats Call for Holistic Review of Defence Forces

The Social Democrats believe that the Defence Forces Review is an opportunity for the Government to evolve Ireland’s entire defence and security framework in order to meet future challenges. Cian O’Callaghan TD, Social Democrats Spokesperson for Defence said on this: “Since the foundation of the modern Irish State, the Irish Defence Forces have put themselves […]

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Mitigation measures vital in keeping schools open

Social Democrats TD Gary Gannon today called on the Minister for Education to ensure that appropriate mitigation measures are taken so that schools can safely remain open. Deputy Gannon, who is the party’s spokesperson for Education, said: “While the phased reopening of schools is something that we all wanted to see, the return to the […]

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Call for daily figures on vaccine programme performance

During Leaders’ Questions in the Dáil today, Róisín Shortall TD, co-leader of the Social Democrats, asked the Taoiseach to publish daily figures for vaccine doses received, doses available, and doses administered, so that the performance of the vaccine rollout can be measured against projections. She said: “Vaccines provide great hope to people, and the public […]

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Whitmore calls on Minister for Health to implement Breastfeeding Action Plan

Calling on the Minister for Health to implement the Breastfeeding Action Plan, Social Democrats TD Jennifer Whitmore said: “As my party’s spokesperson for Children, getting the necessary breastfeeding supports for women in this country is a key priority of mine. To achieve this, we need to see the full implementation of the National Maternity Strategy […]

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