Proposed nationwide ban on smoky coal is welcome but must be poverty-proofed

Social Democrats TD Jennifer Whitmore has welcomed a proposed nationwide ban on smoky coal and restrictions on the sale of turf and unseasoned wood but says that any new regulations must be poverty-proofed. Deputy Whitmore, who is the party’s spokesperson for Climate Action and Biodiversity, said: “Along with emissions from transport, solid fuel is one […]

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Contingency and clear communication must be built into Leaving Certificate plan

Commenting on the Government’s confirmation of arrangements for this year’s Leaving Certificate examinations, Social Democrats spokesperson for Education, Gary Gannon TD, said: “The Government has failed this cohort of Leaving Certificate students who have endured high levels of stress and anxiety due to all the uncertainty surrounding this year’s exams. I welcome that the Minister […]

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SocDems write to Data Protection Commission over destruction of survivors’ recordings

The Social Democrats have written to the Office of the Data Protection Commission requesting that they examine the destruction of survivors’ recorded testimonies by the Commission of Investigation into Mother and Baby Homes. Jennifer Whitmore TD, who is the party’s spokesperson for Children, said: “The simple fact is that 550 testimonies have been destroyed. While […]

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Stardust families deserve truth and justice – not more delays

In the Dáil today, Social Democrats TD for Dublin Bay North, Cian O’Callaghan, called on the Taoiseach to intervene in resolving the delay in starting the Stardust Inquest. Deputy O’Callaghan asked if the Minister for Justice would meet with the families’ legal representative to resolve the issue of funding so that the inquest can begin. […]

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SocDems call for 100% affordable and social homes on public land

Social Democrats Housing spokesperson Cian O’Callaghan TD has called for the Land Development Agency Bill to be amended so that 100% of the homes built on public land are affordable or social. Deputy O’Callaghan said: “If the Minister for Housing is committed to providing affordable homes for first-time buyers, he would ensure that 100% of […]

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SocDems’ motion seeks scrutiny of CETA and Investor Court System by multiple Oireachtas committees

The Social Democrats have this week submitted a Dáil motion calling for CETA and the Investor Court System to be scrutinised by all relevant Oireachtas committees, not just one. The motion states that given the breadth and scope of CETA, there are potential implications for various issues, including workers’ rights, labour standards, food safety, agriculture […]

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Minister for Housing must wake up and listen to experts’ concerns about his shared equity loan scheme

The Social Democrats Housing spokesperson Cian O’Callaghan TD has urged the Minister for Housing to rethink and redesign his affordable housing plans, in particular the shared equity loans. Deputy O’Callaghan said: “The experts are now lining up to tell the Minister for Housing that some of his affordable housing plans will actually make housing more […]

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