Shockingly slow progress on reducing homelessness

Social Democrats Housing Spokesperson and Dublin Bay North TD, Cian O’Callaghan, has expressed concern at the latest homelessness figures. Deputy O’Callaghan said: “The latest figures show that 8,699 people are homeless. Despite an increase in the availability of properties due to Covid-19 and the emergency ban on evictions, the overall homeless numbers have fallen by […]

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Investment and oversight needed to avoid nursing home tragedies

Róisín Shortall TD, Social Democrats spokesperson on Health, has called on the Government to immediately act on the recommendations contained in the Interim Report on Covid-19 in Nursing Homes, which was published today. Deputy Shortall said: “This report highlights the glaring gaps in the system which led to so many deaths of people in our […]

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Supreme Court decision on climate plan is a wake-up call

Reacting to today’s Supreme Court decision to quash the Government’s 2017 National Mitigation Plan, Jennifer Whitmore TD, Social Democrats spokesperson on Climate, said: “This decision should serve as a wake-up call for the Government. We need to act decisively and urgently to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions and this means frontloading measures that will see […]

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Taoiseach must clarify legality of airport checks

Róisín Shortall TD, co-leader of the Social Democrats, said today that concerns expressed by the Data Protection Commission about social welfare checks at ports and airports will require a full and detailed response from the Taoiseach. Deputy Shortall said: “In the Dáil this week, I challenged the Taoiseach to state the specific legal basis under […]

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Frontline workers deserve same protections as other tenants

Social Democrats Housing Spokesperson, Cian O’Callaghan TD, will tell the Dáil today that frontline workers deserve the same protections as other tenants. Deputy O’Callaghan said: “I’ve tabled an amendment to the Government’s Residential Tenancies and Valuation Bill 2020 that, if passed, will ensure that all tenants, including frontline workers, receive the same level of protection. […]

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Supports for tourism sector fall short of what is required

Social Democrats TD for Cork South West, Holly Cairns, says that supports for the tourism and hospitality sectors in the July stimulus package fall far short of what is required. Holly said: “I believe there is a need for further practical supports and increased grants for the tourism sector in the July stimulus. Clearly there […]

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Mental health supports will be critical as schools reopen

Jennifer Whitmore, Social Democrats spokesperson for Children, says it will be critical that sufficient mental health supports are made available as schools reopen in the coming weeks. Deputy Whitmore said: “There will be a lot of anxiety amongst children as they transition back into school life after being home for six months. During this period, […]

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Actions speak louder than words in supports for those that are homeless

Social Democrats Housing Spokesperson and T.D. for Dublin Bay North, Cian O’Callaghan is calling on Minister O’Brien, Minister Donnelly & Minister Feighan to reverse cuts to homeless mental health services. Deputy O’Callaghan said: ‘When it comes to services and supports for those that are homeless, actions speak louder than words. Today Minister O’Brien, Minister Donnelly & Minister […]

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Lack of maternity leave an obvious barrier to women entering politics

Lack of maternity leave continues to be a glaringly obvious barrier to women entering politics, according to Social Democrats TD for Cork South West, Holly Cairns. Holly said: “Politics is the only business in Ireland that does not provide maternity leave for TDs, Senators and County Councillors. “Maternity leave is not a perk; it’s not […]

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Polasaí na Gaeilge (agus na Gaeltachta)

Tá na Daonlathaigh Shóisíalta thar a bheith sásta tacaíocht a thabhart do fhorbairt na Gaeilge, mar theanga beo agus mar acmhainn don gcultúir, lámh le láimh leis na Gaeltachtaí. Tá sé ar intinn againn fuinneamh nua a instealladh sa Ghaeilge,agus feabhsú a dhéanamh d’oideachas na Gaeilge, i scoileanna faoi mheán an Bhéarla.Ba cheart go mbeidh […]

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