Catherine Murphy TD reacts to stimulus package

Catherine Murphy TD, co-leader of the Social Democrats, has said that the €5 billion stimulus package announced this afternoon by the Government must be about putting money into cash registers and into the pockets of those who need it most and will spend it in the short-term. Deputy Murphy said: “While there are positive measures […]

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Ruling casts doubt on Strategic Housing Developments

Cian O’Callaghan TD, the Social Democrats spokesperson on Housing and Planning, said today that the decision by the High Court to overturn planning permission for 245 apartments on the former Premier Dairies site in Dublin casts serious doubt over the Strategic Housing Development process. Deputy O’Callaghan said: “The High Court quashed the planning permission granted […]

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Greater investment needed in ‘Housing First’ – Cllr Paul Mulville

Social Democrats Councillor for Rush/Lusk, Paul Mulville, has called on Fingal County Council to re-double its efforts to meet its target this year for the provision of Housing First units. Housing First means that if someone is homeless, their housing needs are addressed as an immediate priority.  Any presenting issues they may also have, such […]

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Government paralysis on foreign travel continues

The Government’s publication of a green list of countries last night has done nothing to clear up widespread public confusion on the issue of foreign travel, according to Róisín Shortall TD, co-leader of the Social Democrats. Deputy Shortall said: “It has now emerged there were conflicting views within the Cabinet about the merit of publishing […]

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Minister for Education urgently requested to address the Dáil

Gary Gannon TD, the Social Democrats spokesperson on Education, has called on the Minister for Education, Norma Foley TD, to urgently address the Dáil and provide details of the Government’s plans for reopening schools in five weeks’ time Deputy Gannon said: “Yesterday I attended a meeting between Minister Foley and Opposition spokespeople for Education. Following […]

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Funding for third level students falls short of what is required

Holly Cairns TD, the Social Democrats spokesperson on Higher Education, says the Government’s announcement of a €160m funding package for the third level sector falls far short of what is required. Deputy Cairns said: “While any increase in financial supports for students would be welcome under normal circumstances, we are not living in ordinary times […]

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Publication of green list of countries is meaningless

The long overdue publication of a green list of 15 countries is meaningless and likely to add to public confusion about the public health message from NPHET not to undertake non-essential foreign travel, according to Róisín Shortall TD, co-leader of the Social Democrats. Deputy Shortall said: “The publication of the green list brings no real […]

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Reduction in CAP funding a real concern for farmers

Speaking after the conclusion of the EU Council summit this morning, Holly Cairns TD, the Social Democrats spokesperson on Agriculture, said: “In real terms, CAP for the next seven years is going to be down by about 9%, which is worrying for Ireland’s agricultural sector. “It is essential that the Government devises strategies to maintain […]

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Government needs to put in place proper strategy to limit importation of Covid19

Criticising the absence of a coherent Government strategy on tackling the potential importation of coronavirus, Social Democrats co-leader Róisín Shortall TD called on the Taoiseach to follow the advice of NPHET and deal comprehensively with inward travel. Speaking during Leaders’ Questions in the Dáil, Róisín Shortall TD said: “The Taoiseach has not dispelled the huge […]

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