Holly Cairns TD

Social Democrats leader Holly Cairns has welcomed the Government’s belated decision to ratify the optional protocol of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and has called for the process to be completed without any further delay.

“Ireland signed the UNCRPD as far back as 2007 and ratified it in 2018. But it is only today – 17 years later, just as this Government’s term draws to a close – that a memo on ratifying the optional protocol has finally been approved by Cabinet.

“This is further proof that disabled people have not been a priority for this Government.

“The optional protocol is a missing piece of the jigsaw as it will allow disabled people to make a complaint to the UN and hold the State accountable if their rights are breached.

“Ratification of the protocol cannot come soon enough. People with disabilities in Ireland face an uphill battle from the day they are born when trying to access the most basic supports and services.

“Essential transport schemes that were scrapped more than a decade ago have yet to be replaced, while children continue to face unacceptably long waiting lists for Assessments of Need.

“Last week’s budget did nothing to provide long-term supports for disabled people, such as the provision of a weekly of a cost-of-disability payment – as proposed by the Social Democrats.

“Significantly, the Economic and Social Research Institute (ESRI) warned last week that poverty among vulnerable groups, including disabled people, is likely to rise as a result of the measures announced in the budget.

“Following today’s decision, the Tánaiste will sign an instrument of accession on behalf of the Government, to be deposited with the Secretary-General of the UN, with the protocol to enter into force in Ireland 30 days later.

“Enormous credit is due to those who have been tirelessly campaigning for ratification of the optional protocol. They should not have to wait a moment more. This process must be expedited without any delay.

“Disabled people have waited far too long for this valuable mechanism for vindicating their rights.”

October 8, 2024

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