Holly Cairns TD

Social Democrats leader Holly Cairns has backed calls for a new law that would suspend the parental rights of those found guilty of domestic homicide.

Deputy Cairns made her comments after James Kilroy received a life sentence today for the brutal murder of his wife Valerie French in June 2019.

“My deepest sympathies go to Valerie’s family who have finally received justice today. This case is another stark reminder of Ireland’s epidemic of domestic and gender-based violence and the dangers faced by women, who too often die at the hands of their partners.

“Valerie’s brother has spoken about the need for new laws that would automatically suspend the parental rights of anyone convicted of killing their spouse. This is similar to Jade’s Law, which was recently enacted in the UK.

“This law is designed to better protect children by preventing killers from having any say over key elements of their life such as health, education and travel.

“I fully support the call for similar measures to be introduced in Ireland and am currently working on drafting a bill to suspend access or other rights from a parent convicted of killing their partner. Any such legislation would allow for exemptions in cases where a domestic abuse victim kills their abuser in an act of self-defence.

“Valerie’s needless death should be a turning point. The State must ensure that every lever is available to put the rights of bereaved children and families before those found guilty of domestic homicide.”

July 29, 2024

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