Minister Must Act On Fertiliser Crisis

This crisis must be a wakeup call. We need policies that will ensure our food sovereignty.     We are facing a serious crisis later in this year if farmers cannot access fertiliser, according to Social Democrats Agriculture Spokesperson Holly Cairns. “I met with local representatives of the Irish Farmers’ Association and the Irish Cattle and Sheep […]

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Bord Gáis Price Increases Will Have Devastating Impact

This is now an emergency situation and the government must treat it as such. Energy price increases of nearly 40pc by Bord Gáis Energy are going to have a devastating impact on those already struggling to heat their homes, according to Social Democrats Climate Spokesperson Jennifer Whitmore. ‘The energy price increases announced by Bord Gáis […]

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CCPC Must Open Investigation Into Price Gouging

We cannot tolerate a situation in which certain retailers or suppliers may be engaging in cartel behaviour or price gouging Social Democrats Climate Spokesperson Jennifer Whitmore has written to the Irish Competition and Consumer Protection Commission (CCPC) requesting that it opens an investigation into reports of price gouging and cartelism by motor fuel suppliers in […]

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Maximum Cap On Fuel Prices Urgently Required

Extraordinary measures must be taken to insulate ordinary workers and families from Putin’s price shocks A maximum price cap on fuel must be introduced to stop the unsustainable increases in prices, according to Social Democrats Climate Spokesperson Jennifer Whitmore. “A maximum cap on fuel prices is the only way the government can ease the burden […]

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Government Must Act On Fuel Costs And Price Gouging

Oil prices are now at record levels while the wholesale price of gas has doubled in just a week The government must immediately act to reduce the cost of fuel – and must also ensure that price gouging at the pumps is not taking place, according to Social Democrats Climate Spokesperson Jennifer Whitmore. “The cost […]

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Legal Protection For Basking Sharks Hugely Welcome

Studies have indicated that Ireland is home to between 10pc and 20pc of the world’s basking shark population It is hugely welcome that basking sharks are finally going to be a protected species in Ireland, according to Social Democrats Climate Spokesperson Jennifer Whitmore. Deputy Whitmore was commenting after Heritage Minister Malcolm Noonan announced the government […]

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Environment Minister Must Come Clean On Climate Action Targets

The Minister must provide assurances, grounded in something other than his cheery optimism, that targets can be achieved Environment Minister Eamon Ryan must clarify if the government will meet its climate action targets this year or not, according to Social Democrats Climate Spokesperson Jennifer Whitmore. “Yesterday, we had a further devastating report from the Intergovernmental […]

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No Clarity On How Targets Can Be Achieved In Retrofit Plan

Over-promising and under-delivering has been a recurring theme of this government. The government has promised that 500,000 homes will be retrofitted by 2030, but there is little clarity on how this target will be delivered in the plan announced today, according to Social Democrats Climate Spokesperson Jennifer Whitmore. “The government has set a target of […]

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Government Must Stop Dithering On Cost-Of-Living Crisis

The measures the government introduces must be targeted at those who need the assistance most  The government must stop dithering and take immediate action to tackle the cost of living crisis, according to Social Democrats Climate Spokesperson Jennifer Whitmore. “The cost-of-living crisis seems to have come as a surprise to the government, which is now […]

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Government Must Remove Holiday Homes From €100 Electricity Grant Scheme

The government must remove these 62,000 holiday homes from the credit scheme The government must clarify if it intends to spend more than €6 million on electricity subsidies for holiday home owners, according to Social Democrats Climate Spokesperson Jennifer Whitmore. “We know we have a cost of living crisis and the high cost of energy […]

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