Government Must Introduce a ‘Cost of Disability’ Payment

A Social Democrats’ motion – to introduce a €20 ‘Cost of Disability’ payment and increase Disability Allowance by at least €15 – will be debated in the Dáil tomorrow  The government must commit to introducing a Cost of Disability payment in the forthcoming budget, according to Social Democrats Disability Spokesperson Holly Cairns. “The cost of […]

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Government Must Act On Back To School Costs

The Back To School allowance was higher in 2007 than it is now The government must act to provide relief for parents who spend up to €1,500 on back-to-school costs for each child, according to Social Democrats Children’s Spokesperson Jennifer Whitmore. “Last year, a survey from the Irish League of Credit Unions revealed that 24% […]

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Minister Must Clarify If She Misrepresented Schools She Named and Shamed

It is now  just days before schools close for the summer – and 106 children are still without a class for next year Minister for Special Education Josepha Madigan must clarify if she misrepresented the position of four schools she claimed had not engaged with the Department about special education classes, according to Social Democrats […]

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Delaying Leaving Cert Results Until September Is Unacceptable

Students are paying the price of the State Examination Commission’s failure to plan It is completely unacceptable that Leaving Cert results will not be issued until September 2, according to Social Democrats Education Spokesperson Gary Gannon. “Delaying the Leaving Cert results until September 2 will cause huge levels of additional stress and worry. It will […]

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Refusal Of School To Teach About Same-Sex Relationships An Indictment Of The Government

It is not acceptable that children can be taught relationships should be placed in a hierarchy, depending on sexual orientation The refusal of a school in Wicklow to include LGBTQI+ relationships in its Relationships and Sexuality Education is an indictment of the government’s failure to reform the curriculum, according to Social Democrats Education Spokesperson Gary […]

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Leaving Cert Reform Long Overdue But Welcome

Ultimately, we need to ensure that equity is at the heart of these changes Plans announced today to reform the Leaving Cert are long overdue but welcome, according to Social Democrats Education Spokesperson Gary Gannon. “The first Leaving Cert exams took place in 1924 and, prior to 2020, remained largely unchanged in the intervening period. […]

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Decision To Abandon Hybrid Leaving Cert A Crushing Blow For Students

This year is not a normal year, so we cannot have a ‘normal’ Leaving Cert The decision not to proceed with a hybrid Leaving Cert this year is a crushing blow for students and their families, according to Social Democrats Education Spokesperson Gary Gannon. “This year’s Leaving Cert students have suffered two years of upheaval […]

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Clarification of Leaving Cert Plans Urgently Required

We need to provide students with more choice than just the traditional Leaving Cert Education Minister Norma Foley must urgently make a decision on the format of this year’s state examinations and immediately publish a report from the National Council for Curriculum and Assessment (NCCA) on permanent reform of the Leaving Cert, according to Social […]

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Clarity Needed On Hepa Filters In Schools

Today we learn that schools will have to choose between Hepa filters and other essential works Clarity is urgently needed on the provision of Hepa filters for schools, according to Social Democrats Education Spokesperson Gary Gannon. “At the weekend, it was reported that a €30 million scheme was being finalised to provide air filtration units […]

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Education Minister Owes School Communities An Apology

Nero fiddling has nothing on the diddling of the Minister while our schools fell victim to an airborne virus Education Minister Norma Foley owes school communities an apology after her Department performed a u-turn on the advice on mask wearing in schools, according to Social Democrats Education Spokesperson Gary Gannon. “Last week, schools were given […]

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