No clarity on maternity hospital restrictions in latest ‘Living With Covid’ plan

Social Democrats TD Holly Cairns says that the absence of updated guidance in the Government’s new Living with Covid plan on restrictions in maternity hospitals is causing ongoing distress to expectant parents. Holly said: “While it is welcome that some health services are to resume in March, including BreastCheck screening, it is very disappointing that the Government’s […]

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Irish citizens would support referendum on economic, social and cultural rights

Social Democrats TD Holly Cairns believes that Irish citizens would overwhelmingly support a referendum to enshrine economic, social and cultural rights in the Constitution. Speaking in the Dáil today in support of the 37th Amendment of the Constitution (Economic, Social and Cultural Rights) Bill 2018, Holly said: “Economic, social and cultural rights help ensure a better […]

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Student nurses and midwives deserve proper pay and respect, not platitudes

Speaking in the Dáil today in support of proper pay and conditions for student nurses and midwives, Social Democrats TD for Cork South-West, Holly Cairns, said: “The treatment of student nurses, midwives, occupational therapists, speech and language therapists, radiographers and others is a glaring example of this Government’s utter indifference towards young people. “The Taoiseach […]

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Apology to survivors of Mother and Baby Homes is long overdue

Reacting to the Taoiseach’s apology to survivors of Mother and Baby Homes today, Social Democrats TD for Cork South-West, Holly Cairns, commented: “This apology is long overdue and comes after decades of silence, decades of shame, decades of misogynistic control and abuse perpetrated and facilitated by State and church authorities. “Ireland’s history of using shame […]

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