Stronger consultation and extra financial supports essential for survival of hospitality sector

Social Democrats TD for Cork South-West, Holly Cairns, has called for stronger consultation with the hospitality sector and extra financial supports for affected businesses as the country prepares to enter into another Level 5 lockdown. Holly said: “The very survival of this sector is under threat unless there is substantial State subvention and improved communication […]

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Housing plan for Mother and Baby Home site must be withdrawn

Social Democrats TD Holly Cairns has expressed outrage at plans for a Strategic Housing Development and apartment blocks in the vicinity of Bessborough Mother and Baby Institution in Cork city. After raising the issue with the Taoiseach in the Dáil today, Holly said: “More than 900 children died while in the care of nuns at […]

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State must remove all barriers for people with disabilities

Speaking on International Day of Persons with Disabilities, Social Democrats TD Holly Cairns said it is important for the State to recognise the challenges, achievements and realities of being a person with a disability in Ireland. Holly, who is the Social Democrats spokesperson for Disability Issues, said: “This year, the World Health Organisation celebrates the […]

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Increased State funding for greyhound racing sector should not go ahead

The Social Democrats will bring a motion to the Dáil tomorrow to oppose increased funding for Irish greyhound racing and are calling on the Government to phase out State support for the sector. The motion, which will be debated during Private Members’ Time on Wednesday, November 25, will call for the €2.4 million in increased funding earmarked for greyhound racing […]

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Government needs to act on domestic violence ‘shadow pandemic’

Social Democrats TD for Cork South-West, Holly Cairns, has called on the Government to do more to address the alarming increase in domestic abuse and gender-based violence, which has been exacerbated by the Covid-19 pandemic. Speaking in the Dáil today, Holly said: “Safe Ireland have rightly called domestic abuse the ‘shadow pandemic’. During the first […]

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Government decision to appeal court ruling on large fishing vessels is welcome

Social Democrats TD for Cork South-West, Holly Cairns, has welcomed confirmation that the Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine has lodged an appeal against a court decision to allow large trawlers fish inside Ireland’s six-mile limit. Holly, who is the party’s spokesperson for Agriculture and the Marine, said: “The overturning of the fishing directive […]

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Increased State supports needed for victims of domestic violence

Social Democrats TD for Cork South-West, Holly Cairns, believes that Ireland needs to look at international models when it comes to providing improved supports and services to victims of domestic violence. Holly said: “The week’s Safe Ireland report highlighted a worrying increase in people fleeing domestic violence. The figures included 3,450 women and 589 children […]

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