Government needs to act on gender pay inequality

Social Democrats TD for Cork South-West, Holly Cairns, has called on the Government and relevant stakeholders to address the underlying issues resulting in gender pay inequality in Ireland. After raising the issue with the Tánaiste in the Dáil today, Holly said: “This week marked gender pay day when, in effect, women in Ireland are working […]

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Government U-turn welcome but Minister must release report on Mother and Baby Homes without delay

Social Democrats TD for Cork South-West, Holly Cairns, has cautiously welcomed the Government’s U-turn on the rights of survivors of Mother and Baby Homes to access their personal information but called for the Commission of Investigation report to be released to survivors as soon as possible. Holly said: “Thankfully, after almost two weeks of public […]

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Third level students must not be overlooked during Level 5 restrictions

Holly Cairns TD, Social Democrats spokesperson for Further and Higher Education, has called on the Government to immediately address the impact of Level 5 restrictions on third level students. Holly said: “As the lockdown comes into effect this week, college students will face a particular set of challenges, so it is essential for the Government […]

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Budget should have increased core welfare payments for people with disabilities

Holly Cairns TD, Social Democrats spokesperson for Disability Issues, has expressed disappointment that core welfare payments for people with disabilities have not been increased in Budget 2021. Holly said: “We all welcome the €100 million increase in funding to assist people with disabilities, which will help with the reopening of day services and move people […]

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Rules on larger fishing vessels operating in-shore need to be revisited

Holly Cairns TD, Social Democrats spokesperson for Agriculture and the Marine, has highlighted concerns about larger fishing vessels operating in-shore on Irish coastal waters. Holly said: “Last week, the High Court overturned a 2019 Policy Directive which excluded trawling by fishing vessels over 18 metres from inshore waters inside the six nautical mile zone. “The […]

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Extra supports needed for students as college life moves online

Holly Cairns TD, Social Democrats spokesperson for Further and Higher Education, is calling for greater supports for third level students who are encountering difficulties with online learning. Holly said: “This year’s college experience is like no other and is proving to be a very uncertain and trying time for many students. With practically all teaching […]

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Further scrutiny of meat processing plants is warranted

Holly Cairns TD, Social Democrats spokesperson for Agriculture, has welcomed the Special Covid Committee’s recommendation that other Dáil committees should examine serious ongoing issues in meat plants. Holly said: “I have been calling for a taskforce to examine conditions for workers in this sector for months so am glad that this report reflects the serious […]

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