Large Trawlers Fishing Inshore Hugely Concerning

This development will have an immediate negative impact on the ecosystem of our coast The decision of the Court of Appeal to allow large trawlers fish in Ireland’s inshore waters is deeply disappointing and hugely worrying, according to Social Democrats Fisheries Spokesperson Holly Cairns. A Department of the Marine Policy Directive, which banned large trawlers […]

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ESRI Report Reveals Scale of Barriers Faced By People with Disabilities

The government must outline how it will remove barriers faced by people with disabilities  The stark findings of a new ESRI report on the employment prospects of people with disabilities are shocking but not surprising, according to Social Democrats TD Holly Cairns. Deputy Cairns, who sits on the Oireachtas Committee on Disability Matters, said: “The […]

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Roadmap For Maternity Services Must Be Published

At every step, and every stage, women and pregnant people have been ignored The government must immediately publish a roadmap for the reopening of maternity services, according to Social Democrats TD Holly Cairns. “I welcome the publication of the reopening plan for society and the economy, but am struck by a glaring omission. Nowhere, in […]

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NMH Example On Lifting Restrictions Must Be Followed Nationwide

It is unacceptable that a postcode lottery still exists around the country The relaxation of restrictions for partners of pregnant women at the National Maternity Hospital (NMH) is a positive step that should be followed by other hospitals nationwide, according to Social Democrats TD Holly Cairns. “The NMH has said it will allow unrestricted visiting […]

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Government Failing Fishing Community

This sector has been continually neglected by the government Today’s large protest by fishers from around country highlights the frustration and fear felt by coastal communities, according to Social Democrats Agriculture, Food and the Marine Spokesperson Holly Cairns. “This sector has been continually neglected by the government. Any marginal engagement was too little too late. In response […]

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Restrictions At Maternity Hospitals Getting Worse, Not Better

When is this government going to treat women with the respect they deserve The Minister for Health must immediately clarify why restrictions on partners at maternity hospitals are still in place, according to Social Democrats TD Holly Cairns. “It is now more than five weeks since Chief Medical Officer Tony Holohan said there was no […]

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Abortion Statistics Show Law Needs To Be Reviewed

An Irish solution to an Irish problem was supposed to be an artefact of history Confirmation today that nearly 200 women had to travel to the UK last year for abortion services is evidence that the law needs to be reviewed, according to Social Democrats TD Holly Cairns. “Most women who needed abortion care were […]

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Minister Must Repudiate Mother and Baby Homes Report

What is presented as the truth is, at best, heavily disputed and, at worst, a whitewashed fiction  It is astonishing that the Children’s Minster is still standing over the report of the Commission of Investigation into Mother and Baby Homes – despite conceding its members misapplied the law, according to Social Democrats TD Holly Cairns. […]

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Mother and Baby Homes Report Must Be Repudiated

The members of this Commission have steadfastly refused to appear before our Committee to answer questions The Mother and Baby Homes report has rewritten Irish history and must be repudiated by the government, according to Social Democrats TD, and Oireachtas Children’s Committee member, Holly Cairns. “Following the participation of one of the members of the […]

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