Cllr Eoin Hayes has been selected by the Social Democrats as their Dublin Bay South candidate in the general election.

At the Dublin Bay South selection convention in Tara Buildings last night (Monday, July 29), Eoin was officially confirmed as the party’s candidate for the constituency. The convention was chaired by Róisín Shortall TD, former co-leader of the Social Democrats and co-founder of the party.

Eoin lives with his partner in the constituency and works as a consultant, supporting the growth of small businesses, particularly in the climate sector. As a first-time candidate in the 2024 Local Elections, he won a seat for the party in Kimmage-Rathmines on Dublin City Council.

Following his selection, Cllr Hayes said:

“As a life-long renter and aspiring homeowner, I have first-hand experience of the effects of a housing crisis that has been mismanaged by 13 years of consecutive Fine Gael governments.

“Since my election to Dublin City Council, my priorities have been affordable housing, better public transport, clean and safe streets and more green spaces where communities can thrive.

“I’ve also noticed how local issues are too often rooted in poorly drafted national legislation. I want to provide strong, progressive representation in Dáil Éireann, where I will fight for affordable housing for all and improved public services for local communities.

“It is an honour and a privilege to be selected by my local branch to contest the upcoming general election on behalf of the Social Democrats. Given the extremely positive interaction I had with people on the doorsteps during the local election campaign, I’m looking forward to further outlining our party’s ambition to achieve a new type of politics in Ireland – based on fairness, inclusiveness and equality.

“During the general election campaign, it is my intention to share the Social Democrats’ vision for a better Ireland with the people of Dublin Bay South.”

Welcoming Cllr Hayes’ selection as a general election candidate, party leader Holly Cairns said:

“Eoin is a dedicated and hard-working public representative and has already shown his commitment to the people in Kimmage-Rathmines in the short time he has been on Dublin City Council. He exemplifies the type of change that the Social Democrats offer and would be an incredible TD for the area.

“The Social Democrats put in a strong performance in the local elections in this constituency, outperforming Fianna Fáil and Sinn Féin for council seats. There is now a real opportunity for the people of Dublin Bay South to vote for meaningful change.”

July 30, 2024

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