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The Social Democrats today called on Facebook to notify Irish holders of up to 45,000 Facebook profiles if their data was potentially affected by the Cambridge Analytica data breach.

Fingal Co Councillor Cian O’Callaghan said:

“More than two in three Irish adults are on Facebook. Any of these people must be today asking themselves if theirs is among the 44,687 Irish profiles that Facebook now says may have been affected by the data breach.

“Facebook should show some good faith here and notify these people if their data was inappropriately accessed as part of the Cambridge Analytica data breach.  Next month, the General Data Protection Regulation will take effect and change the rules for companies like Facebook that collect, store or process large amounts of user information.

“From then, companies will have to notify people if their data has been breached within 72 hours or face fines. In the spirit of that legal change, Facebook now should be telling people if their data was accessed and used in any way. All it would take would be a notification on the top of people’s feed.”


5 April 2018

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