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In the Dáil today, Social Democrats TD for Dublin Bay North, Cian O’Callaghan, called on the Taoiseach to intervene in resolving the delay in starting the Stardust Inquest.

Deputy O’Callaghan asked if the Minister for Justice would meet with the families’ legal representative to resolve the issue of funding so that the inquest can begin.

He said:

“40 years ago, 48 young people went to the Stardust nightclub for a night out and never came home after a horrific fire took their lives. Their families and loved ones have waited four decades for truth and justice.

“The delay in the commencement of the Stardust Inquest – due to the Department of Justice’s refusal to release funds – is absolutely unacceptable. Releasing funding to allow the legal team of the families to carry out research and preparation is essential.

The Stardust Inquest will be one of the largest ever to be conducted in the State. It is vital that resources are provided in advance so that the families’ legal team can carry out research and preparations. There needs to be special arrangements for large-scale inquests like this. We should be following the good practice established at the Hillsborough Inquest.

“I am calling on the Minister for Justice to immediately meet with the legal representative of the families to resolve the issue of funding so that the inquest can begin without more delays.”

February 17, 2021

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