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This Wednesday, 6th July, 2022, the Social Democrats are using their limited ‘Private Members’ Dáil time to put forward a motion for urgent action on disability.

The sheer scale of inequality and injustice faced by disabled people, and families of children with special needs and disabilities, is disgraceful.  A lack of school places, under-staffed HSE teams, obstacles to employment, and insufficient public housing and transport, are all symptoms of a much larger issue.

The only way the Government will act is if there is enough public pressure.

We need your help in drawing attention to the Social Democrats’ Motion on the #CostOfDisability.

Click here to find contact information for the TDs and Senators in your area.

Use this sample letter template to contact them about our motion:

Dear xxx,

I am writing to ask you to support the Social Democrats’ Motion on the Cost of Disability this Wednesday in the Dáil.

It is calling for concrete actions to assist disabled people and families of children with a disability.

These include a new Cost of Disability payment in Budget 2023 of at least €20 per week as a first step to addressing the significant additional costs of having a disability; increasing the Disability Allowance by at least €15 per week; filling the 732 vacant posts for therapists providing services for children with disabilities; and guaranteeing an appropriate school place for every child with a disability.

These actions and more are necessary to provide the services and support that people with disabilities are entitled to.

I am strongly in favour of this Motion and I hope you will support it.


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