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Social Democrats T.D. for Dublin Bay North, Cian O’Callaghan has expressed serious concern about the potential job losses in Dublin and Cork airports as the DAA CEO warns that up to 1,000 jobs may be cut. He called on the state owned company to rethink its plan citing clear alternatives like the short term deferral of high-cost capital projects.

Cian O’Callaghan T.D. said:

“The news that a large number of jobs may be lost at Dublin and Cork airports is very worrying. DAA has been a very good and very important employer. It seems premature to me to be predicting specific passenger numbers for next year at this point. No one can know for sure how this crisis will play out in the weeks and months ahead. The economic predictions differ greatly.

‘What is clear to me is that this crisis cannot be used as an excuse to reduce working conditions and lower standards. DAA is a state owned company. It, therefore, has a role beyond just profit generation. That role includes the creation and maintenance of decent jobs. The CEO and Chairman of DAA must be reminded of this important role.’

“There are other ways to cut costs other than letting staff go. DAA has plans to spend a lot of money on capital projects like a new runway. If the choice is to defer these projects or to let staff go – I think these capital projects should be deferred – at least in the short term until there is more certainty about the capacity that will be required into the future.

“How we deal with the economic fallout of COVID-19 must reflect who we are as a people. In this recession, unlike the last, low paid workers must be protected. Cleaners  and other support staff have been heroes in this crisis –  therefore they must be protected in the aftermath.

‘I want DAA to provide a clear commitment that people who are directly employed by the company won’t be replaced with outsourced workers and that as passenger numbers increase people will be rehired by the company on the same terms and conditions that they currently enjoy.”

20th May 2020

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