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Social Democrats T.D. for Dublin Bay North, Cian O’Callaghan has expressed serious concerns about the terms of the job losses at DAA.

Deputy Cian O’Callaghan said:

‘Questions have to be asked as to why voluntary redundancies are weighted towards longest-serving staff? I have a concern that this effort to let the older staff go is an attempt to reduce the general terms and conditions enjoyed by workers at Dublin and Cork airports. It is also alarming that the arrangements for reduced working hours are permanent. Coupled with significant reference to changes to work practices, one can’t but feel this is an attempt at more than a reasonable response to the temporary reduction in passenger numbers.

‘The terms of this package are subject to sanction by the Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport. I’m therefore calling on the Minister to review these terms with great care – as a precedent may be set here for how state-owned companies deal with the fall out of COVID-19. This crisis can’t be used as an excuse to erode workers terms and conditions. I am specifically looking for guarantees that when business increases that the displaced workers will be replaced with direct employment on the same Terms and Conditions.’

‘As I set out last week, DAA is a state-owned company. Therefore, its role is not just about profit generation. It has a role in the creation and maintenance of decent jobs – capital projects should be deferred if jobs can be saved – at least until there is more certainty about the future of the airport.’


27th May 2020

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