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Government parties are attempting to mount a rearguard action to reduce Opposition speaking time

Instead of cynically using last week’s Dáil speaking time controversy as a pretext to erode Opposition Dáil time, the government could resolve the dispute by cutting all ties with Michael Lowry, according to Social Democrats acting leader Cian O’Callaghan.

“Government pandering to Michael Lowry has already been hugely damaging. There was chaos in the Dáil last week when Lowry Independents attempted to hijack Opposition speaking time.

“The blame for that fiasco falls squarely on the shoulders of the Taoiseach and Tánaiste, who were happy to facilitate this stroke.

“Instead of acknowledging that, and working with the Opposition to find a way forward, it appears that another stroke is underway.

“At a meeting of the Dáil reform committee this afternoon, it became clear that government parties are attempting to mount a rearguard action to reduce Opposition speaking time and designate it for the government. This will not be entertained.

“There is another way. To help resolve the dispute over speaking rights, and the instability that pandering to Mr Lowry is causing, the Government must cut all ties with him.

“This means ending all preferential treatment, briefings, informal deals and arrangements that have been made with Mr Lowry in return for his support.

“Independent TDs, who have agreed a programme for government, must also be accommodated in genuine government time when speaking in the Dáil.

“This government has a comfortable majority. It doesn’t need to be propped up by a TD that the Moriarty Tribunal found to be “profoundly corrupt”.

“It’s not too late to do the right thing – cut ties with Mr Lowry and end any further cynical attacks on Opposition speaking time.”

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