Digital Policy, Online Safety, and AI
Artificial Intelligence (AI) presents many opportunities, but also many policy challenges. AI has the power to make our lives more convenient, our work faster and more efficient, and to bring huge benefits.
But technological progress of this kind also brings with it huge challenges, including around labour displacement, which could sharply increase, and the danger of machine-led decision-making in state policy and practice.
Misinformation, disinformation and mal-information are arguably the biggest contemporary threats to our democracy and to the rule of law, muddying our social media landscape.
We believe that social media and other internet platforms should be transparent about their content moderation decisions, and do what they can to prevent dangerous disinformation from going viral.
We must also do more to ensure the safety online of our citizens, particularly children and young people.
Meanwhile, access to digital services continues to deepen the social divide in our society. Crucial services are online in both public and private sector offerings. More must be done to enforce a ‘digital first, not digital only’ approach to the delivery of key services.
In Government, the Social Democrats will take action in each of these areas to mitigate societal harm and ensure that corporations and state bodies adhere to their responsibilities in these areas.
Our Digital Policy Priorities
- Forming a Joint Oireachtas Committee to develop a national strategy on AI, with a focus on Irish democracy, and individual and community rights.
- Analysing the potential labour displacement that automation will cause in the Irish economy, and exploring mechanisms to deal with it.
- Enacting specific and effective legislation to protect children online, by regulating ‘preferences algorithms’.
- Combatting the proliferation of misinformation, disinformation and mal-information.
- Prohibiting the ‘digital only’ provision of publicly funded services.
Find Out More
You can read more about our policies and plans in our Digital policy document, linked below.