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The Social Democrats support today’s call for new legislation giving workers the right to ‘switch off’ once their working day is over.

Party co-leader Róisín Shortall TD said:

“All workers have a right to ‘switch off’ once their working day is over. Undoubtedly the ‘always on’ culture of many workplaces contributes to workplace stress. The Social Democrats support the call by the Financial Services Union on World Mental Health Day today for new legislation to be introduced to give workers the right to disconnect.

“The Minister for Business, Enterprise and Innovation Heather Humphreys has established an interdepartmental working group to examine issues around flexible working. But the lack of clear lines between the working day and free time is about more than flexible working patterns – it’s about making sure workers can properly disconnect after working hours.

“France, Italy and Spain all have legislation now in place and it’s time Ireland caught up. The Social Democrats will make it a Manifesto commitment to provide such legislation.”


10th October 2019

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