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Head in the sand approach to fire safety defects will not make them go away

Commenting on the report of the Fire Safety Task Force, Social Democrats Councillor Cian O’Callaghan said today: “The report of the Fire Safety Task Force Fire Safety in Ireland, published a year after the devastating fire at Grenfell Tower, fails to examine the extensive problem of structural fire safety defects in Celtic Tiger era developments. […]

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Vast bulk of social housing deliberately excluded from Fire Safety Review

The fire safety review announced by Minister for Housing Eoghan Murphy in the wake of the Grenfell Tower disaster deliberately excludes social housing where fire risks are most serious, according to Social Democrats Cllr Cian O’Callaghan. Cllr O’Callaghan said the scope of the ongoing review is excessively narrow, focusing only on multi-storey buildings of five […]

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Minister for Housing must publish fire safety report

The Minister for Housing is sitting on a major fire safety review completed over a year ago while today announcing a separate review in the wake of the Grenfell Tower blaze, the Social Democrats said today. Dublin Bay North Councillor Cian O’Callaghan said: “Mr Murphy is saying that the Grenfell Tower fire is going to […]

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