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Inconsistencies in Social Housing Stock Figures

Social Democrats Cllr. Cian O’Callaghan said: “The report of the National Oversight and Audit Committee showing key performance indicators for local government in 2016 states that Social Housing Stock figures provided by local authorities could not be published due to errors and inconsistencies with data supplied. It is incredible to think that our local government […]

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Housing shortage is even more acute than official data shows

The government’s inability to accurately count the number of new houses built each year is masking the true scale of the housing shortage, the Social Democrats said today. The party’s co-leader Catherine Murphy TD was commenting on a Goodbody BER housebuilding tracker published today, which shows that 5,377 houses were completed in 2016. This compares […]

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Minister for Housing needs to get real on social housing targets

The government’s own target for building social housing has entered the realm of make-believe, with the admission today by the head of the State’s Housing Agency that a key deadline will not be met, Social Democrats co-leader Catherine Murphy TD has said. Deputy Murphy made her comments following remarks by Mr John O’Connor in an […]

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