
Social Democrats leader Holly Cairns has strongly condemned today’s violence in Coolock.

“There is no place in society for the type of despicable criminal behaviour we witnessed today on Dublin’s northside.

“Again, we have seen hysteria, fear and hatred whipped up over proposed accommodation for asylum seekers, leading to attacks on gardai and workers, as well as damage to vehicles and property.

“This type of intimidation towards migrant communities is becoming increasingly common. Such threatening behaviour has a chilling effect on those desperately seeking international protection in this country.

“The sight of hooded and masked rioters on the streets of our capital is an affront to democracy and must be met with a robust response by the authorities.

“While we should always respect the right to peaceful protest, this is not what occurred in Coolock today.

“My thoughts are with the gardai, workers and law-abiding local residents caught up in this afternoon’s appalling events.”

July 15, 2024

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