Cian O'Callaghan TD

The latest homelessness figures are further proof that the Government is completely out of ideas when it comes to tackling the housing crisis, according to Social Democrats TD Cian O’Callaghan.

Deputy O’Callaghan, who is the party’s spokesperson on housing, said:

“There are now 14,303 people living in homeless emergency accommodation – the highest ever recorded in the history of the State.

“Shockingly, 4,404 of these are children – a 66 per cent increase since this Government took charge”

“There can be no doubts that Fine Gael and Fianna Fáil are incapable of dealing with this crisis. Since taking office in 2011, Fine Gael have presided over an increase of 10,495 people becoming homeless.

“Fianna Fáil, despite their endless political spin, have continued the appalling record of their predecessors since taking over the Department of Housing.

“These figures comes in the wake of most recent RTB Notices of Termination report which showed another 4,035 people are facing eviction and at risk of homelessness since the beginning of April.

“We urgently need to end no fault evictions that are driving renters into homelessness. Ireland remains an outlier in Europe where renters must live in constant fear of eviction.

“We cannot sit back and watch more and more people go through the trauma of becoming homeless.”

“There are tragic consequences to the Government’s inaction.”

July 26, 2024

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