Newly elected Social Democrats councillor Daniel Ennis will feature in a documentary about the recent local elections on RTÉ One tonight.

Cllr Ennis, who won a council seat in Dublin’s North Inner City last month, said he was delighted to be one of several candidates to participate in ‘The Locals’ – the latest work from acclaimed documentary maker Luke McManus.

Daniel said:

“It was really interesting to be involved with this unique fly-on-the-wall look at what happens behind the scenes of a local election campaign from a candidate’s perspective.

“The community spirit and decency of the people in the North Inner City – where generations of my family have been proud to call home – is unparallelled. However, in recent times there have been attempts by a minority to stir up hatred and division in the area.

“I decided to put myself forward as a candidate for the Social Democrats because I wanted to stand up for the North Inner City at a time when it needs strong leadership more than ever. During my campaign, I tried to be a unifying voice for the entire community by promoting messages of inclusion and tolerance.

“Proper investment in community and sporting facilities is one way of bringing us all together. This is something I have witnessed first-hand through my longstanding involvement with local youth sporting organisations.

“These are all issues I shared with the programme-makers for ‘The Locals’, which I am really looking forward to watching tonight.

“The crew were also on hand to capture some deeply personal moments for me during filming. This included my official election announcement at the count centre in the RDS, which I almost missed as it clashed with the christening of my beautiful baby daughter.”

‘The Locals’ will be screened on RTÉ One tonight at 9.35pm

July 15, 2024

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