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The Social Democrats do not accept that there is any precedent for this undemocratic power grab by any incoming government

Aontú leader Peadar Tóibín should end the charade of Regional Independent TDs masquerading as members of the Opposition by leaving their technical group so its numbers fall below the threshold for speaking rights, according to Social Democrats acting leader Cian O’Callaghan.

“It is outrageous that Regional Independent TDs, who negotiated a programme for government and intend to wholeheartedly support the incoming administration, are attempting to hijack Opposition speaking time in the Dáil.

“This farce could come to an immediate end if Aontú, whose two TDs are in the Regional Independent Group, left that grouping. This would bring the number of TDs in that group below the threshold of five TDs, which secures Dáil speaking rights.

“Peadar Tóibín is ordinarily highly critical of stroke politics and claims to be committed to accountability. Yet, his inaction is facilitating a situation in which de facto government backbench TDs are masquerading as members of the Opposition.

“This is not just an attempt by Independent TDs to have their cake and eat it, it is damaging our democracy and undermines the public’s trust in politics.

“The Social Democrats will be vigorously opposing any attempt by Regional Independent TDs to join the Opposition benches. We will be making a joint submission, to the Ceann Comhairle, with other Opposition parties outlining the errors in her legal advice. We do not, for example, accept that there is any precedent for this undemocratic power grab by any incoming government.

“However, this is a problem that has a simple and straightforward solution. Deputy Tóibín living up to his rhetoric on accountability and ending this charade today.”

20 January, 2025

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