How are people on average incomes ever supposed to aspire to own their own home?

Surging house price inflation is further evidence that the government’s housing plan is not working, according to Social Democrats Dublin North-West election candidate Rory Hearne.

“House prices in Dublin in July soared by a whopping 9.3 percent – while house prices nationally rose by 8.6 percent.

“These enormous house price increases come on top of already record high prices for homes. House prices are now more than 10pc higher than the Celtic Tiger peak – and are continuing to rapidly escalate.

“These kinds of skyrocketing house prices are not sustainable. More and more individuals and families are being locked out of home ownership – with hundreds of thousands trapped living in their childhood bedrooms or insecure and hugely expensive rental accommodation.

“How are people on average incomes ever supposed to aspire to own their own home when every month the cost of that home gets further and further out of reach?

“The housing disaster is the biggest crisis facing our society. A lack of secure and affordable housing is causing huge multi-generational trauma.

“The government claims its housing plan is working, but all of the evidence says otherwise. If this is what success looks like, what would the government classify as failure?”

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