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The Minister for Housing Eoghan Murphy is seriously failing homeless families, Social Democrats co-leader Catherine Murphy TD has said.

Deputy Murphy was speaking after the release today of Department of Housing figures which show that the number of families living in emergency accommodation increased by 222 from January to February of this year. The figures show there were 9,807 homeless people in February including 1,739 families and 3,755 children.

Deputy Murphy said: “The Minister’s assurances that tackling homelessness is a priority ring hollow when we see such a sharp and distressing increase in the number of children growing up in hotels.

“The Minister is seriously failing growing numbers of families who are living in entirely unsuitable accommodation including cramped hotel rooms and so-called ‘family hubs’ in industrial estates.

“Unless there are concerted efforts across all of Government to prioritise the housing crisis, we will continue to see homeless figures going in the same upwards direction.

“It’s clearly extremely difficult for homeless parents and their children who are enduring the emotional stresses and practical difficulties of day to day life in emergency accommodation. But it is also downright unacceptable to people all across Ireland who rightly demand more from this Government.”


28 March 2018

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